My latest project!

XML Monster Muncher

The first project I built with no tutorial, over a period of 9 days, only using create-react-app as boilerplate. This is a fully interactive react form that allows user input for data, and then dynamically displays that data in an XML format for Dungeons and Dragons combat tracker apps.


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American to British Translator

Built as a project for FreeCodeCamp , the translator not only translates american english to british english, but also does the opposite. I learned a lot of Mocha/chai by doing this project, as the unit tests were verry helpful once I wrote them.


Pathfinding algorithm

Python, pygame, simple AI

This python application allows the user to place a start and end point, and then draw a maze. (you can press R to randomize the maze) Press space to watch a depth-first-search algorithm solve the maze. Download and run with python 3 to test

Technological experience

I have experience with the following tech, and I'm always eager to learn something new.

  • Javascript
  • React/Redux
  • Vue
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB
  • Python
  • Pandas
  • C#
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • C
  • SQL

For hiring inquiries

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American to British Translator

Built as a project for FreeCodeCamp , the translator not only translates american english to british english, but also does the opposite. I learned a lot of Mocha/chai by doing this project, as the unit tests were verry helpful once I wrote them.
